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Stadium and Event Venue Waste Collection

Dumpster rentals, flexible collection schedules, and cardboard pickups

Let GFL manage your venue’s diverse waste management needs with a customized collection service plan.

We understand that when it comes garbage collection and hauling, stadiums and event venues have massive demands and rely on timely and efficient service to operate effectively.

Our diverse solutions include:

  • Dumpsters rentals in a range of sizes
  • Cardboard collection
  • Flexible collection schedule to ensure your venue is always event-ready

Our specialist knowledge of the industry also allows us to create a disposal system that will allow your venue to operate at peak performance.

If you’re interested in learning more about what GFL can do for your venue, please don’t hesitate to contact your local branch or fill out our service form by clicking below, and a local GFL rep will be in touch with you soon.